Friday, May 21, 2010

ATC Vintage Nudes Swap

Last weekend I created a beautiful piece of artist paper made up form several layers, with different techniques. Is was blue and I was wondering what to use it for. And then I entered the 'vintage nudes' swap and found a picture of aphrodite.

Then I knew what to do with it. I cut it in ATC sized pieces. This altered picture from aphrodite is my first time of altering a picture. And I had a lot of fun doing that. First I printed the picture out and sprayed a layer of laque on it to prevent it from bleeding too much. Then I used my Derwent Inktens pencils to add more colour to the hair (and more hair to cover a different part of the picture), I changed her 'skirt' and added white dots to her pearl necklace with a white gel pen.

Finally I painted the waves (acrylics and Inktense pencils and a gold pencil), let them dry, cut them out, and put a thick layer of white paint around some of the edges of the waves. I glued the waves on the card with matte gel medium and covered the whole card with it.


Cynthia said...

Hi Annet:) I swinging over from kelly Rae's class blog spread sheet to say HI!. Wowsers this is one amazing piece of art you created!!!!!

Kristy's Art Corner said...

Hi Annet, I'm stopping over from the Creative Thursday's Class. I can't wait to do some projects with you. It's so nice to meet you.

Melanie said...

Hello from the Creative Thursday e-course! Love you're style!